Monday, February 22, 2010


Yesterday I heard a song and the last lines had such an impact on me. They were, "Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal." As I thought about that, I thought about my "sorrows." I really have very few sorrows, I would rather count my blessings than sorrows, but there are times when I feel sad. I decided to think about that a little more. My sorrows have come from when I was not doing what I should be doing. Mostly, I would say they are sins of omission. I believe that I have been greatly blessed in my life and I need to "Pay it Forward." I don't do this like I used to. Maybe that is a sign of age.

I then thought about what other "sorrows" I have. They are very miniscule, but I do feel bad when my children make choices that I wished they wouldn't. Even though they are adults, maybe because they are adults, I would like to see them use their time more wisely and also "Pay it Forward." However, they are great people, and I suppose a time will come when they will see the value in that.

Nevertheless, I think its a great line for all of us to remember: "EARTH HAS NOT SORROW THAT HEAVEN CANNOT HEAL."

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