Saturday, February 13, 2010

Last night I asked the question, "Who am I?" Well, I am first a mother, and to prove that:

Yesterday Emilee and Nate moved into their own apartment, and though I was really glad for them, because this is why we get married, to leave home, right? Anyway, I was glad for them. They moved to a nice apartment in Hurricane. After unloading everything, Emilee and I were on our way home, she pulled out a book called "Momisms." I got reading it and realized that all those sayings I've been saying all my life are not new to me or my mother.

Then this morning as I am chatting on line with David, my oldest son who is married with two children, I asked him what he was doing. Well, as I suspected, he was playing his xbox. The mother in me came out as I said, "First we work, then we play." No response from Dave, and I thought, I guess it doesn't matter how old your children are, they are still your children. So if my children are expecting me to quit using "Momisms," they are going to be sadly disappointed. Stay posted for more "Momisms."

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