Tuesday, February 16, 2010

High School Seniors

As I was reading Senator Buttars proposal to get rid of 12th grade, I began thinking about what he really is proposing. Seniors are an unique group of students. First, they are the leaders of the school. They show the younger students how to act in certain situations. Second, many of them would not get scholarships if they didn't attend their senior year. Also they add a certain depth to the school. Most of them are just about ready to continue on with their life, but that extra year really helps them get there.

In these tough economic times, what would these students do? Would most of them be able to find jobs? Would they be prepared to enter the workforce, or college for that matter? I have many students who still do not bring a pencil and paper to class. Most of them, I know will be sucessful in their endeavors, however I feel that it still will take time for them to "get there." I think forcing them to make that decision earlier would be very detremetal to them and to society.

And there are those very few, who because they have nothing to do will end up in trouble. Maybe then the state will have to allocate more money for the penal system. I, for one, do not want that.

I enjoy these students, they add much to my life, and I feel like I contribute to theirs. One year can make a hugh difference.


  1. What?! Why would you get rid of the Seniors. Also if you get rid of the Seniors would the Juniors now be called seniors? there is no one above them so they are no longer junior. what? can they be the leaders of the school because they would then be seniors. Ahhhhh......I am so confused?

  2. I think you're right and that seniors, in general, aren't ready to be out and part of the "grown-up" world at 17. That last year of school is very needed, both educationally and emotionally. I grew up a lot my senior year, I can't even begin to imagine what Buttars is thinking.
